Wednesday 25 March 2009


You know it's going to be a day of domestic drudgery when the first words you hear are "Mum - I've got no boxers!!" pause, slam "or socks!!!!!"

"OK, hang on a minute" rummage, rummage in the ironing basket, "In-coming - top of the stairs" (well nearly the top, I do, after all, have every right to throw like a girl!)

I knew we must be close to the no knickers threshold by the amount of boxers in the ironing basket on Sunday (Mother's Day - NO WAY am I ironing on Mother's Day - I'm sure it must be AGAINST THE LAW)

Why is she even contemplating ironing boxers? you wonder - OCD I reply!

Mind you, further investigation of my own knicker drawer reveals that I'm down to either the enormous period pants (you know the type girls, the ones you pray to god you don't get run over by a bus whilst you're wearing them) the Bridget Jones stylie "gripper knickers" or the red lacy thongs with the ill advised diamante heart on the back - how many times have I wished the lingerie fairy would visit in the night, wave her magic underwires and convert my gruesome assortment to Victoria's Secret or Janet Reger... aah me...

And of course it's raining - so that'll be 40+ pairs of pants and 80+ socks draped over the radiators turning the house into a sauna - t'rrific! AND today's the 25th so it's my take-a-photo-for-my-"one-day-a-month"-(working title)-mini-book day. Lovely - scrapping a photo of knickers - super - I can hardly wait! Mind you - if I carefully remove the aforementioned diamante heart it could make a sweet embellishment hmmmm... off to investigate the stash potential of my undies... actually that sounds a bit weird - but you know what I mean!


  1. Oh that post made me laugh! I can relate to everything you said lol. The good news is it happens to us all, the bad news is, by the time we catch up on the washing and ironing, we look in the laundry bin and yeah, you guessed, it's FULL again! Have a good day anyway, oh and STOP ironing the smalls lol.

  2. Sue, I've just put away 20 pairs of boxers UN-IRONED - I was twitching as I did it - but MISSION ACCOMPLISHED - today the boxers - tomorrow I shall conquer the world or maybe just the tea towels!

  3. Have checked the embellishment potential of my undies drawer. Embellishments = 0, dusters/rags = far too many. Sounds like it's about time M+ and M- find out how to use an iron. In the future their wives will love you for ever!

  4. You should ask the laundry fairy for help! It could mean one wind turbine less if you give up ironing underwear.


Thanks for sharing your happy thoughts. Maisie Moonshine x

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